Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So today I had two interviews...and tomorrow I should have another. I have to get a job eventually right? But they were for Dr. Offices so that is good. They offered me a position as a patient aide, but I do NOT wanna give people baths and clean up their poop and whatnot... so I said no thanks. Plus I'm pretty sure they don't get paid much. I have one kid, I don't wanna clean up after anyone else. Anyway so I can graduate in August if I want to, but I might put it off one term and take one less class this term, cuz I really wanna work. But Garrett is leaving so grr I don't know. Anyway I wonder when he is going to get home anyway, it's 6:00 and I still haven't even talked to him? Oh well that is all!

1 comment:

Heather Brown said...

So did you hear anything?!?